- Main target of the Small grant schema is the limitation of the biodiversity loss through activities focused on realization of Rescue and Care programs as well as updating and
creation of new programs focused on specially protected species, including preparation of technical materials, which would enable to decide next steps in relation to protection
of selected plants and animal species
- Supported activities include the implementation of approved rescue and care programs for the priority species specified by notifications, updating and
development of new programs and care programs for the priority species, including the preparation of necessary technical documentation for decisions on rescue programs for
specially protected species
Informative boards at the entrance to the airport and on the borders of the airfield.
- Aeroklub Kladno o.s. applied as a sponsor to the Rescue Program created for rescuing ground squirrel and for its realization at the location of Airport Velka Dobra.
- The project was approved by the Ministry of the Environment and is supervised by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic.
- Target of this project is to sustain and develop local colony of the ground squirrel, which is protected and critically endangered species.
- Due to the maintenance of the local grass airfield there is a colony of the ground squirrel and therefore partial target of the program is to limit the loss of
local biodiversity of the local environment and maintain at least the current maintenance the airfield
Maintenance of the Location
- Essential for management of the site, is to keep the height of the vegetation in the steppe character. For this purpose we procured, thanks to a grant from the EEA Funds, new Zetor Major Tractor 80 and
grass mower with great width. It allows to quickly mow the entire site and thus meet the high demands of maintaining the grassland.